[:it]M come muso[:en]M is for muzzle[:]

[:it]Il nuovo romanzo per ragazzi di Bruno Tognolini esplora la vita ultraterrena dei nostri amati amici animali.  L’interesse nei confronti del benessere e dei diritti degli animali è notevolmente cresciuto negli ultimi anni. Per fortuna, anche se lentamente, stiamo abbandonando una visione … Continua a leggere

[:it]A journey through Ego’s inconsistency [:]

[:it]  Lewis Carroll published his most famous work, Alice in Wonderland, in 1865. At that time David Hume’s Treatise on human nature (1738) had been in circulation for more than one hundred years. The analogies between the fairy tale – provided … Continua a leggere

[:it]For the greater good of God[:]

[:it]The following text is part of the writing practice for the Cambridge CAE. The review is freely inspired by the innovative version of the Greek tragedy Agamemnon, which was performed at the Florentine theatre La Pergola  from the 26th to the 31st … Continua a leggere

[:it]Coraline, or Psyche’s 2.0 adventures in the other world[:]

[:it]  Coraline is a classic for young readers by Neil Gaiman, published in 2002. It’s a captivating, dazzling, modern ghost story in which a young girl must face her darkest desires and learn to grow up in order to not … Continua a leggere